Arizona State University offers Free Wi-Fi to students, faculty, and staff on campus. Learn how to connect to the ASU Wi-Fi to stay connected to the internet.

How to connect to ASU Wi-Fi?

  1. Open Settings and Turn on Wi-Fi.
  2. Connect to the “asu” network.
  3. Enter your ASURITE ID and Password and you will be connected to the ASU Wi-Fi.

Note: If you receive a Certificate warning or Windows Security Alert about validating the security certificate click Accept/Connect.

If ASU Wi-Fi network is not available, please contact Experience Center at 1-855-278-5080 for assistance.

How to Setup ASU Wi-Fi on Android?

Android users may require to enter additional settings to connect to the asu wireless network. When prompted, enter:

  • Security Type: WPA2-Enterprise
  • EAP method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
  • CA certificate: “Unspecified” or “Do Not Validate” and “Do Not Check”
  • Domain:
  • Identity: Your ASURITE ID
  • Anonymous identity: Leave blank
  • Password: Your ASURITE password

Can’t connect to ASU Wi-Fi?

  • Go to Wi-Fi settings and select asu Wi-Fi and click Forget This Network and Turn Auto-Join off and try again.
  • If you use Custom DNS Server such as or, remove them and try again.
  • Try to switch to a different Wi-Fi network, if available.

For additional help, access live chat, create a case from your My ASU Service Center or call 855-278-5080.

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