Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi

Barnes & Noble offers Free Wi-Fi to all its customers at Barnes & Noble store. Learn how to connect to the Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi to stay connected to the internet.

How to connect to Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi?

  1. Open Settings and Turn on Wi-Fi ·
  2. Connect to the “B&N Store” Wi-Fi network.
  3. You will be connected to the Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi.

If Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi network is not available, please contact Barnes & Noble customer service for assistance.

If Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi landing page doesn’t pop up

If you are not automatically redirected to the Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi landing page, try one of the following methods:

  • Open a browser and go to any web page such as, and you will be redirected to the Wi-Fi landing page.
  • If above method doesn’t work, clear your browser cache and open or
  • Go to Wi-Fi settings and select Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi and click Forget This Network and Turn Auto-Join off and try again.

How fast is Barnes & Noble Wi-Fi?

The internet speed may vary from store to store and subject to bandwidth availability. To better serve all customers, Wi-Fi access may be limited.

While most Barnes & Noble locations offer Free Wi-Fi, some operations may choose to disable the service and each location may have their own limitations and terms of use.

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